Genres: Crime, Mystery, Adventure, Dramedy
In the elite world of haute joaillerie, a jewelry journalist investigates a cryptic message after the theft of a massive diamond, hoping it will lead her to the truth behind her parents’ deaths.
Type: Screenplay, Feature (91 pages)
Comps: National Treasure meets The Da Vinci Code while Romancing the Stone
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- ISA Fast Track Second Rounder – March 2023
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- ISA Emerging Screenwriters Suspense Quarterfinalist – June 2023
- Creative Screenwriting Feature Screenplay Competition – Quarter Finalist – July 2023
But really, what’s it like?
A female action adventure…imagine National Treasure and The Da Vinci Code where the history is Indian history but about diamonds passed along the ages…written as a mystery. There’s a heist but the focus isn’t how the heist itself happened but the why and what was stolen. There are poems and riddles that help direct the way to finding what’s been stolen, was it just a diamond? There’s an heiress, a wannabe boy detective, and an actual detective who wants to be a gardener, and a bad guy who may not really be a bad guy, and maybe even a Queen or two. It takes place in Texas, in India, in England…Anyway, it’s fun and intriguing girl adventure where you’ll be entertained and walk out with a smile and maybe even learn a thing or two about diamonds.