Every morning, my dog waits for her treats. Like most dogs, she is an absolute paragon of routine. Everything from morning treats, to a daily nap, and an early evening walk, she follows a
Category: Mindful Monday’s
Beyond Awareness – How to Convert the Guilt Trip
Two weeks ago, I wrote a blog on awareness and listening to your body. If you listened, chances are your body might have been asking for more water, more exercise, more rest, more time
The Best Way to Deal with Disappointment
Breathe. Grumble. Breathe. Complain. Breathe. Protest. Breathe. Shout. Breathe Be upset. Breathe. Breathe. Breathe. Sit in silence. Breathe. Accept. Breathe. Decide to move on. Breathe. Reject that. Breathe. Plan again. Breathe. Step forward. Breathe.