2021:  Time for an Emotional Detox

2021: Time for an Emotional Detox

We made it!  2020 is over.  It was a challenging year whose tentacles still reach into 2021 but vaccines are being deployed, and change is afoot.  We have processed and learned much.  Now, we can examine our attitude and our wellbeing with greater appreciation.

With the New Year started, it’s time to let go of the pain, hardships, frustrations, and its-not-rightness of 2020 and begin an emotional detox.

Wayne Dyer had a saying, “When you squeeze an orange, you get what’s inside… orange juice! Not lemon juice, not apple juice.”  In 2020, whatever was inside us got squeezed either by pain and illness, job frustrations, childcare issues, or client demands.

For 2021, each one of us must ask, “What is inside me and what comes out when I get squeezed?” 

We must let it all go now and not carry it into the new year.  Perform the emotional detox. When we detox, we stop eating certain toxic foods to help clear up our system.  Now, we have to eliminate experiencing toxic emotions to clear up our energy

Before you start setting goals for 2021, vow to examine what inside’s you and clear up the emotional cache to start fresh. What emotions can you leave behind?

  1. Pick 3 emotions you want to get rid of for the New Year. Examples: worry, frustration, anger, anxiety, disappointment, hatred, arrogance.

2. Thank them for whatever purpose they served in 2020.

3. Release them by writing them on a piece of paper and then destroy or throw away the paper.

4. Welcome 2021 by thinking and feeling the opposite emotion. Worry becomes ease, frustration becomes delight, anger becomes joy, anxiety becomes comfort, disappointment becomes excitement, hatred becomes love, arrogance becomes humility.

Looking Ahead

In late December, because we experienced the Great Conjunction, where Saturn and Jupiter aligned in the closest possible orbit after centuries, we know that we are in a new phase.  We are poised to leave behind old habits and start something new.  Leaving behind old frustrations, bitterness, and hurt from the past, is a part of this cathardic process. Life can be different… if we allow it. 

As we look at the New Year, it’s better to never compare our progress with others but always against the persons we were last year.    All of us are a bit hugh strung from 2020. It’s time to lay down weapons, normalize a more steady state of mind, and keep our minds squared focused on the future.

Practicing the feeling of better emotions is key because it gets you comfortable with a better feeling thought and emotion. All of us look to improve our year by creating resolutions. But even simple adjustments make a difference.  

Intentions Matter

It could be as simple as deciding to wake up each day being happy. I know for myself, it’s natural to be purposeful, always on a mission. But what if I could wake up and decide to be happy first thing in the morning. And then after deciding, accepting, and living that feeling, begin my day? How could that change my life?

Start with saying, “In 2021, I want to be the type of person who ….  (finish the sentence with a change you want to see in yourself).” Move forward in life with intention, not doing the same ole thing you did last year. 

On January 1st, my husband and I had rung in the New Year vowing to do more exercise and eat better!  Then later that day, we received that gift of unexpected visitors, who drove us to exercise and eat better!

The Universe hears our words. All of them.  Our hopes, dreams, and intentions. If all of us can release the past and intend on 2021 being a better year…then 2021 will be a better year globally. I know we are ready for it!

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