Why Accountability Reigns

Why Accountability Reigns

A Dreamer’s Secret Weapon

When Passion fades,

When Inspiration has gone silent,

When Enthusiasm dwindles,

And Motivation takes a backseat,

Accountability stands tall,

Find a mirror and get acquainted!


Achieving goals isn’t just about visualizing in the clouds, it’s about what comes next. Whether your goals are to get through the day or launch a new dream, accountability is key.

Sure, accountability is not as glamorous as any of those other qualities but the reality is that when the rest wear off, wear out, run out of steam, and we still have goals to accomplish, we’ve got to rely on good ole dependable accountability

Up until now, we may have ridden the coattails of passion and inspiration to drive us but eventually, the heavy lifting requires a self-discipline that requires the self to stay engaged.  And usually, it’s when the work gets difficult, monotonous, repetitive, or otherwise daunting.

Thomas Edison said it best when he said, “Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work.”

But that’s why it’s important. That’s why it’s critical. It what stands between you and your goals. Accountability brings us face to face with the work that has to be done, and holds us to it!

Here’s a couple of tips to help motivate your accountability:

1. Accept Ownership

Remember that for a project that belongs to you, the buck stops with you.  Motion begins and ends with you.  If you don’t do it, just assume it won’t get done.  And then ask yourself what happens when it’s doesn’t get done?  What is the worst-case scenario?  Those answers will inspire your actions.

2. Get Organized

When too much is swirling in your mind, especially from passion and inspiration, the best step is to get some clarity on paper.  It’s easy to measure our accountability against a set of tasks.  The old-fashioned to-do list, whether it is on a post-it note, a notebook, the Wunderlist app (my favorite), or an excel spreadsheet, get it organized and get it on “paper.”  Using that at the end of every day/week will give you a sense of if you are making progress or not.

3. Drive Momentum 

Procrastination is never a problem if something is compelling to you.  Ask yourself, is this goal/dream/objective for now or later?  Would you care if it didn’t happen until next year, the next decade?  If the answer is, “Yes, I would care!”  Then ask yourself what does it take to do this today and take a step. Start the process. Momentum will drive you if you let it and not kowtow to laziness.

4. Prioritize Research 

Too many of us spend cycles avoiding that which we don’t want to do.  But what we avoid even more (at an absolute cost greater than that of procrastination) is what we don’t know how to do.  Get ahead of those pitfalls and lay out what you don’t know.  Start doing the research or reaching out to make early traction on items that are not in your control, so you’re not left waiting for others to respond after you’ve already done everything that’s assigned to you.  Don’t glaze over it. Find the answers you need or call someone who does.

5. Deal with distractions

Remove distractions or leverage them against success. Five minutes of phone time for every hour done in research.  Reward or punish your work ethic – your choice. You’re accountable.

6.      Follow through.

Accountability is the main ingredient in the secret sauce for success, but it’s not a secret!  Rest assured that without it, the sauce is not getting made. 

When I was a kid, my dad used to tell this joke.  A religious man who’s lost all his money prays to god to win the lottery ticket.  Every day.  Every day he doesn’t win but continues the prayer.  Finally, god comes down and says, “can you at least buy a ticket?!”  Every goal requires some action for which we must be accountable. It’s on us. Buy the ticket.

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