Where Fears and Dreams Coincide

Where Fears and Dreams Coincide

All of us have fears.  Most of us have dreams.  Though these two words have very different connotations, what we fail to accept is that they follow the same path to creation. 

Both fear and dreams are ideas.  They are mere concepts generated and housed in our minds.  They haven’t hit the reality spectrum yet.  But both have the power to do so and we are the ones who choose the reality, but in most cases, we are prone to giving our fears much more attention. 

Energy flows where attention goes.  By now, this statement is generally accepted but circumstances are often dismissed as coincidence, fate, or serendipity but rarely identified as a “miracle,” or even less having any connection to personal responsibility. 

But what if, for 1 week or 1 month, or 1 day, we adopted the sense that we were in control of it all? What if we gave our attention to our dreams for an entire week?  What if we blew off every fear?  How would it change our lives?

So, I tried it.

March 28, 2019: “Today is now a day for dreams.  Dreams:  Win an Oscar but a bunch of other awards first!”


I stumbled across this blog accidentally and it was only half-written.  After the last bit about laying out my dream on March 28th, there is nothing more written. 

But sitting here writing this blog in late July, I knew things had happened differently, but I didn’t know their dates. So I went through my emails… and I validated dates. 

And I could not believe the fact that I wrote that sentence on March 28th, and on April 4th, I found out that for the first time in my life, I was a finalist in screenwriting competition for a film festival for the first screenplay that I had ever written.

I had completely forgotten about this blog… and this endeavor to focus on my dreams.

For me, the statement I made on March 28th was a gargantuan dream.  Getting this accolade was, quite frankly, mind-blowing. It makes me wonder why I didn’t make a list of all my dreams for the rest of the week!!!????

That’s the thing, we all know our fears.  We live and sleep with them and stay awake with them at night.  Ask anyone their top 5 fears or the things that made them the most afraid this week or this year, and they will tell you.

We do not have such a profound understanding of our dreams.  We do not let them stay awake in our minds for hours at a time or allow them to pass haphazardly through our minds several times a day.  Dreams are known as something “far off,” vs. fears being right around the corner. But if we could see either as “a vat of potential,” that we can choose to feed, our focus in the right direction could present mind-blowing results.

As children, we loved to daydream but it was long ago labeled as “a waste of time;” so we learned to stop. It’s time to start again

Think of this as your summer homework:

1. Spend time being focused on your dreams – do it in your minds and do it in great detail. Embody the dream. Live inside it. 

2. Do it often ~ at least 15 minutes a day. 

3. Keep a notebook where you identify it or write about it.  Know the “why” behind dream instead of focusing solely on the “how.”

4. Pick your top 5 dreams and live and re-live them in your minds.

5. Become aware of tiniest episodes in your life that connect back to those dreams.  They will show up (just as mine did.)

It’s not wishful thinking – it’s laying out creation.  Besides, it’s summer, don’t you owe yourself a little time to imagine your destiny?

Let me know how it goes!

Also, see this great article for more details: 3 Effective Visualization Techniques to Change Your Life.

~ Roopal

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