A New Year is a time to start anew: expand our skills, replace bad patterns for good ones, and focus on growth. But here it is, 26 days after the start button on 2019 was pressed, and I am still figuring out what that new is & how to get there!
For many years, I would start the year by identifying resolutions, goals, and objectives. I compounded that standard process by making sure they were SMART goals. Over time, I grew tired of doing that. The problem with long term objectives is that they examine change, over days, weeks or months. What I have found is that I can only control myself now, right now.
Then, I tried adopting an annual theme, something that focuses on specific attributes like, “This year, I’ll be more compassionate.” This approach offered more awareness initially. But it was too broad, unmeasurable, and the desire would fade with time. By summer, I was tired of being compassionate!
Then, I tried setting specific intentions like, “This year I want to travel more,” and that method is highly effective. But I prefer daily/weekly goals rather than annual edicts.
So, how can I grow without setting annual goals, themes, or intentions? How do I encourage ME to do something different without any planning/forcing/guilt?
Creation of an Auto-Magic Habit
I love the idea of yoga. The idea of it. I bought a membership of several classes to attend. And, I loved going to the class. But I hated the effort of going. I have since been to exactly three classes (in one year).
This year, I laid out a yoga mat on my floor in my bedroom and left it there. I walked by it for several days.
Once I sat on it for fun. Another day, I stood on it and enjoyed the feel of the cushioning under my feet. Then, another day, I stood, again barefoot, and outstretched my arms; it felt good. Then, I attempted to touch my toes. Then, still, another day, I did the downward-facing dog yoga pose. And then, the upward-facing one. I enjoyed stretching out.
Now, almost two weeks later, I have started doing several poses in the evening while I watch TV. (Don’t tell my body that I am doing it!). My new yoga routine at night is low key, effortless, and a much softer, kinder approach to ME.
Habits vs. Resolutions/Goals
Creating a new habit vs. sticking to a resolution requires a completely different approach. I could have set an objective to attend 1 yoga class a month. Or set a resolution to do more yoga this year. Both focus on something that is done for a period requiring focus. Alternatively, a habit is a long-lasting change to my routine .
Most habits that are part of a routine become autonomous, eventually requiring little effort and thus offering little resistance.
Habits are hard to break but also hard to begin. We need a little push from within that adjusts our mindset. Simply by moving towards an inkling freely, or in this case, a yoga mat, I began my journey to a new habit.
In my case, because I don’t like to be told what to do (even by me) … I set no rules but adopted the habit as part of my evening routine to de-compress because it made me feel good and I didn’t have to think about it too much.
It’s 26 days into the New Year; what new habit do YOU want to cultivate? Make it something that piques your interest, and then: (1) give yourself a nudge towards it, (2) ample time to adjust to it, (3) forgo any pressure and guilt, and most importantly, (4) make it part of a routine that makes you feel good!
Cool. There’s info on so much here. What a treasure trove.
Thank you!