Despite the wide variety of decadent foods, stunning architecture, unexpected customs & luxuries that added to my experience, I could never anticipate the powerful feeling of appreciation that I felt upon returning HOME. Familiarity is an unknown treasure we all possess but rarely unveil. Taking a vacation of any kind helps us to uncover its power.
See if this appreciation list makes you see these things differently too, without all the hassle of the trip!
- Drinking that first, perfect cup of fresh brewed coffee to start my morning. No coffee with crème, no masala tea, no espresso, no other big decisions on what to have for breakfast. Just a perfect cuppa joe.
- Driving my own car on streets that I know. No rental cars. No car services. No uber. No directions or navigation needed. Just me & the open road, aimlessly if I choose.
- Using data wantonly & shamelessly. And text, and phone, and internet access. Just the basics of human existence in the 21st century with 99.999% availability and no guilt for all the charges that AT&T might rack up on me.
- Sleeping in, getting up early…all in the rhythm of my body. Jet lag doesn’t exist for me at home. No living like a zombie here.
- Relying on just myself to get through a day. No translators. No guides. I am wholly independent & capable on my own.
- Being able to fully communicate and read everything I see. Every sign, every conversation, every joke. Literacy and fluency complete us. Without it, we are running on half empty.
- Fitting in, naturally. No awkward moments on figuring out if I am doing something wrong, wearing something inappropriate, etc. Cultural prowess relieves so much pressure.
- Living with spontaneity. No agendas, no schedules, no specific times to do anything. No must-see anything, unless I decide, last minute, at my leisure.
- Having space for self. Physically. Mentally.
- Being blissfully enveloped in/at/around HOME. My dog. My bed. My creature comforts. My environment…neighbors, local family & friends, my Starbucks, local watering holes. The purest characteristics of home are something to be honored.
Of course, visiting a new place helps us to grow in so many ways, and I certainly do not mean to belittle that. I am grateful for having had the opportunity to share such a wonderful experience with my family.
But as an unexpected boon, this trip taught me so much more about appreciating what I have each and every non-vacation day. With a whole new lens, it seems that my daily dose of ordinary is more like extraordinary.
We should all enjoy our vacations…but truly relish coming HOME.