Something You Need To Do Today

This will be a very short post, likely my shortest ever. Not because I don’t believe the topic deserves my attention….it does…but because the concept itself is so simple, too many words are simply not needed.

If you read today’s Word of the Day, it was APPRECIATE. I feel like this word deserves more than just 2 sentences, and 1 quote….I believe it needs to be emphasized.

Like meditation, this too is a simple task…but again, like meditation, it takes a little effort, and quite frankly, our heartfelt desire to do something that is uplifting both to the giver and the receiver. It requires action, rather than dismissal in our busy day.

I’m sure there were some of you that saw the Word of the Day, and just glossed over it (yes, I just know it!).   So here is my second attempt at bringing to light something that you already know is important, but justify your “busy-ness” or the chaotic day you might be having as the excuse why you don’t feel like dealing with it.

Deal with it.  

This morning, not 5 minutes after I woke up, my husband told me he appreciated me and everything I did for our family.   I also took that time to appreciate and thank him.   Just those few minutes have cast a sunny glow on our day (rose petals fall from the sky, the coffee tastes extra delicious, all projects go well, you get the picture).  

BOTTOM LINE: It feels good to be appreciated, and it feels good to appreciate someone. So, please do it….and invite a gorgeous rainbow over your whole day! That’s all. Let me know how it goes!

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4 replies to Something You Need To Do Today

  1. LOVE the added note to the Word of the Day! THANK YOU for this reminder of how truly powerful appreciation and gratitude can be. I recvd an email from one of my coaching clients this morning in response to something I sent her… she very graciously told me I was a “Godsend” for her. Talk about feeling appreciated!!! Needless to say, it made my heart soar to hear this… not from an egotistical place (OK, maybe my Ego was smiling just a little bit 😉 )… but mostly from an awareness of just how lucky/blessed I am to be doing what I do. And so I replied back to her and acknowledged that Yes, I am a Godsend… and that SHE WAS TOO! And I appreciated her for giving me the opportunity to make a living by doing what I love to do. So yeah…. I’m seeing rainbows too. 🙂

    • How fantastic for you to have that opportunity…and receive that gratitude. Appreciation works like a charm…! Thanks for the feedback!

  2. Thank you for this added post. As you said, I read quickly through the word of the day and ‘filed’ it. Thank you for reminding me to show appreciation. I had surgery last week, and have had to depend on so many for so much during my recovery. A little appreciation goes a long way in showing respect for caregivers, and friends who just love you. I appreciate them all so much, and will endeavor to show it more in the future!

    • Thanks so much for the feedback Bridget….I’m sure you will recover quickly!

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