Turkey Tales

Just like summer flashed by in a hurry, so did the beginning of school, and suddenly Halloween was upon us.  As frightfully as it passed; I say frightfully because one night my sons decided it would be fun to scare the hell of their mom by donning their glow in the dark, ghoulish Halloween masks, while running down the staircase at me at night, causing me to yell out some lovely expletives that did nothing but fuel the gruesome teenagers even more!

All of which now brings us to the very onset of the Holiday season… a time for good cheer, good fun, an abundance of calories, and the gamut of familial traditions.  In our house, the ordering of the turkey has become our favorite tale.  It seems that in my exuberance for ordering the turkey (sorry, I don’t season it at home) has overshadowed us actually receiving the turkey.  Think about how exciting it is to place the order…to imagine what a great day Thanksgiving will be.  The food, the wine, the gorgeous table, and the prospect of using our dining room for more than just homework.  It’s all so wonderful….as long you get the order right.

One year, on the online ordering form, I used my home address but my office zip code as the delivery address….resulting in… a lost and wandering turkey in the downtown FedEx offices.  Another year, having received no word on my turkey or no shipping notice, you can imagine my surprise, when I called the shop in Dallas (5 hours away), and they enthusiastically replied that they had it ready for me to pick up!  Somehow, I had selected “pick up,” instead of “delivery,” on the order.  Though I had convinced my husband to drive downtown for the lost turkey one year, there was no way to convince him to drive to Dallas.  Alas, we went turkey-less that year.

Another year, I got my dates mixed up between competing travel schedules, and well, we had our Thanksgiving turkey on Christmas Eve.   Well, you get the picture…

So this year, I have crossed my i’s and dotted my t’s…I have reconfirmed the address, the delivery, the timing so I should be getting my deep fried jalapeno (it’s the South – don’t judge) turkey most likely by tomorrow to be on the safe side.  No worries that Thanksgiving is still 3 weeks away!  This year, I am prepared!  We shall have turkey!

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