Be Nice to Your Customers!

I am probably pointing out the obvious but sometimes, these things need reminding.  I do not consider myself one of those people that need perfect service, I do not believe I have extra high expectations and I always do consider where I am versus what to expect.  For example, I believe that dinner at a very expensive and posh restaurant should have superior service than let’s say, a fast food joint. But what gets me upset is that there are so many places where customer service just pales these days.

In today’s economy where folks are more apt to just stay home instead of go out for eating, shopping, etc., why isn’t there a higher standard of service?  One of my pet peeves is places that I go to frequently but they do not seem to value my patronage.

For example, I have an enjoyment of wine and like to go to frequent wine tastings.  For a while, my husband and I would travel downtown for these tastings…always to the same place.  And each time, the same sommelier would see us but feign ignorance until we addressed him by name and then suddenly he “seemed” to recognize us.  I felt like I was the one trying to make him feel welcome versus the other way around.  Why is that the case?  It got so bad that finally we stopped going.  Is it so hard to make your “paying customers” feel warm and fuzzy if they keep coming back?

Conversely, more recently, a wine shop opened up near our house and there, the sommelier is wonderful, friendly, and loves to make us feel at home every time we come for a tasting.  And I truly believe, because of that, we take the time to linger, chit chat, and subsequently, we are more likely to buy wine from his shop.  To me, it’s a very simple equation:  Good Service = Higher Sales! 

This basic formula continues to drive people into your shop or store or restaurant or bar and will continue to do so.  Sometimes, just that friendly hello and warm smile are enough to make you feel the need to come back.  So, if you are in the service or retail industry …please smile at your customers….it does wonders!

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3 replies to Be Nice to Your Customers!

  1. Hi Roopal! I couldn´t agree more: customer service nowadays sucks when truth is : Money income equals value received by clients, that is why it is such a paradox to find less places with good service around the world. Best,

  2. I’m not sure that customer service has gone downhill. There may be another explanation and I’m sure you won’t like it … we’re getting older and we have a broader spectrum of service experiences to make a comparison. You have more disposable income and are going to better places and have seen what good service is. When you were younger and perhaps going to less expensive places, you may not have noticed that the service was poor because back then … you were used to a lesser quality of service.

    I agree that when I go to a fancier place, I expect good service. I also agree that good service means better sales … but it has to be sincere. It is terrible when a person is over the top with their friendliness and you can just tell … it is an act.

    Really good post, Roopal! Thanks!


    • Hey Jack – Thanks for the reminder that I’m getting older 😉 HA!…but you’re right, I probably didnt care back then and I do now! But the fact that I do care and have that “disposible” income makes me the customer and all I want is to feel the sincere love & appreciation from where I choose to spend my $$$$ 😉 Thx for the response!

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