Build Up Your Reserves!

No, this isn’t a blog about putting more money in your savings account nor it is a lecture on better retirement planning.  Instead, it’s a soliloquy of the conversation I had with myself earlier today when I was in a particularly good mood. Smiling to myself, I thought, Can I build of reserve of this? Can I build a reserve of happiness, peace of mind, and tranquility? Can I build up a supply of patience and understanding?  I mean don’t we go around building reserves of physical things like money, food and water (when a hurricane is coming), and other material things.  Why can’t we build a mental reserve of positive emotions as well?

Imagine such a cache that we could go to when we are having a challenging day, when we’re not feeling particularly gracious or patient with our children and our loved ones.  Then, couldn’t we just tap into this “mental capital” and treat it as real and tangible as a savings account?  I mean even my car has a “reserve” fuel tank.  And when it’s depleted, I just take the time to refill it.  Couldn’t we do the same with our emotions?

Can you envision a world where you truly create a mental reserve which can be bottled and hold your sense of happiness/patience/love on a specific day and then allow yourself to open up that bottle when you need it most?  Think of that possibility where you can hold and simply materialize emotional reserves when you need them!  That would be an amazing control of your mind!  So ask yourself, have you built up your reserves lately?

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