The Joy of Cooking (when you can cook)

Up until about 3 years ago, I did very minimal cooking (unless you count packing “lunchables” :-).  Sure…I had a family…and kids that I should have been cooking for.  But my career was always first and it was all consuming, leaving me little time to explore the so called “joys of cooking.”  But I think because my mother is an incredible cook, I always knew that, deep down inside, there was hope for me too.  And very deep inside, I wanted to be that mom where the kids say, “Mom-I love the way you make XXX.” Despite my busy schedule, I held on to that belief, that I could be that mom.

So…about 2 years ago, I started a journey of cooking.  And yes…it did come from having more time.  Since I opted to take time off my job at the time, I was free to explore all kinds of things.  For a while, I even wanted to actually go to culinary  school, until we did the tour on the “meat floor” and I was squeamish about all the things I smelled.  Ok, forget that. I’ll just focus on what I can learn on my own.

I think what surprised me most is that my family would not only eat whatever I made but 9 out of 10 times, they would really like it.  I got my children to eat spinach, cauliflower, & carrots….and other staples like onions, tomatoes, and cilantro in every dish.  They enjoyed this “new Mommy,” that suddenly was coming up with interesting dishes.  My husband, who loves food, and I began to enjoy evenings of cooking together that were really fun.   It was “something to do together.”  And pretty soon, the whole family got into it.

Today, I am happy to say that both of my sons, not only love cooking but are quite capable in their own right.  When I was looking for a turkey baster the other day, my 9 year old went and found it immediately. I don’t know if I was more impressed that he found it or that he knew what a turkey baster was(!) seeing as how we only eat turkey once a year on Thanksgiving.  My older son (now 13) can easily whip up (literally) breakfast on Sundays of fresh waffles and fresh whipped cream served with cappuccinos.

Last year, when it was my son’s birthday, and I asked him where he wanted to go for dinner, he replied, “I want to go to Mommy’s restaurant…our kitchen.” I smiled from ear to ear…that dream I had of being that mom who could cook and whose kids loved her cooking finally came true!!!

So those of you out there that think to yourself I can’t cook….don’t ever give up trying.  You’ll surprise yourself like I did.  And then, you’ll have new problems…. As we have now become the family that “cooks together,” it’s beginning to show in my growing appetite…but we’ll save that discussion for another time 😉 Happy Cooking!

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One reply to The Joy of Cooking (when you can cook)

  1. Nice article and how true. Keep up the good work (cooking and writing)

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