A Pet Lover is Born!

I dreamt about my Siberian Husky a few nights ago.  That’s not strange I know…but it was the very first time I dreamt about her.  She and I are walking through tall grasses heading towards a beach, my steady and deliberate footsteps behind her hurried rush to get to the ocean.  I call her name and she responds in acknowledgement by turning towards me.  I remind myself of Rebecca and her faithful Jasper on the grounds of Manderley.

When an astrologer actually told me almost 3 years ago that we would get a dog, I laughed in her face.  “Me, get a dog?  Not a chance.” If someone had told me that I would end up as a pet lover, there would not even be a protest from me because the idea was simply ludicrous.  “Oh no.  I am not a dog person.  I am not even a fish person.” I never made fun of my friends that were “dog or cat people,” but I simply was never one of them.  I didnt possess that “pet lover” gene.

And then, last summer, my husband and boys bought a lovely little puppy, just 8 weeks old, into our home (our first pet-see pic).  Our dogAnd it was love at first sight….(which then later became, “you wake up with that dog!”)….and then just a few months later became, “I love you little puppy girl!”  It was a super blessing in disguise.  I never knew I could love an animal in this way….it’s fantastic.

And now…I was dreaming about her because I missed her so much. You see, I was actually at a beach on vacation …and my poor husky was in a pet hotel back home but I knew that I really wanted her there with me.  I never anticipated the amount of joy that a little (now bigger) ball of fluffly fur could bring.

We picked up our puppy last night, and she jumped all over me, wagging her tail in joy.  When she found her cozy place near the cool granite of the fireplace, and lay still after breathing a deep sigh, I also found peace in knowing that she was back home beside me.

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5 replies to A Pet Lover is Born!

  1. What a cute dog! I want one too!

    • Thanks…They are awesome! I highly recommend them…but my doggy is one of a kind 😉 A Princess!

  2. I can’t wait for more posts! When will you update your interesting site?

  3. Good work, it is pleasure to read your posts. Waiting for more

  4. Your blog is incredible, can’t wait for more info

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