The Husky & The Squirrel – a new tale

On a bright and crisp Spring day, my siberian husky is ready to start her quotidian routine of exploring the great outdoors.  This morning she is excited as she walks by the triad of glass windows, the already beaming sun welcoming her to the open air.  Her enthusiasm doesn’t phase me and I happily walk alongside, anxious to get her out and let her experience the morning.

As I get closer to the doorway, she begins to crouch a bit.  Somewhat perplexed by her behavior, I open the door and she crawls out in stealth form.  The next few seconds pass by quickly as I notice her predator stance and like a flash of lightning, she bolts across the yard, clearly in pursuit.

Now, across the yard, their is a squirrel sitting on the stump of recently cut giant king palm tree.  The squirrel is minding its’ own business.  It’s enjoying the wood dust and generally looking content with life.  Until….somehow, through its “I feel  something watching me” instinct, it also bolts…..halfway across the lawn and straight up to another tall tree.

All of this happens with the speed of a Bugatti …and by some sheer luck of Nature…the squirrel makes it safely to high ground just as my husky is on her tail to pounce!  Dont worry folks…this story doesn’t end badly for the squirrel….but my husky is left circling the tree, jumping up every so often only to watch the squirrel get up higher and higher.

A few hours later….my husky gives up.  But she knows it’s not the last time she’s seen that squirrel….she can be patient….and of course, there’s always tomorrow.

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2 replies to The Husky & The Squirrel – a new tale

  1. Cute story!! thanks for sharing.

  2. We call it the squirrel chasing incident of summer ’09. It started with my 9 1/2 yr old Westie spotting a squirrel, leaping off our deck (about 6 steps high) and going, going,going to no avail and then needing knee replacement. 2+ years later she barks and bark cries with such a vengeance, it’s like she remembers the surgery.

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