Toast as a Luxury

On my quest to feel luxe every day, you might think that I have to look hard around me.  The truth is, when you are poised to find greatness, it finds you and sometimes in the simplest of things.

Anyway…today’s luxury is toast.  Yes, toast.  A few weeks ago, a friend of mine came to visit.  Since she stayed at my house for a few days, we ended up buying groceries and she is a huge fan of Whole Foods.  That day, she picked up a loaf of raisin bread.  Now, mind you, I havent had raisin bread since I was 17 (that was a while ago).  Upon taking a bite, I was immediately drawn back to that decade when was a teenager and my mom offered me a bite after I was already captured by the aroma.  I was having my own Proust madeleines memory.

This morning, I shared a piece of that velvety soft, buttered, sweet perfection with my 9 yr old son.  At first, he eyed it with scrutiny but then, the waft of the fresh cinnamon lured him in and despite him squirming his nose at the thought of “raisins in bread,” at one bite, he was sold.  For me, the luxury today was the recollection of old memories and blending them with new ones.  I am grateful to my friend who brought raisin bread back into my life.  But I’m more grateful for the ability to share that with my little boy the way that my parents once shared with me.

Tell me, what has you feeling luxe today?

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