Sleeping late after having kids

Everyone knows that sleeping late itself is a tremendous luxury.  I remember those days before we had kids where my husband and I would easily cave into a Sunday’s bliss of sleeping until noon.  And then….almost 14 years ago, we had our first child.  Right then, and there, our whole concept of sleep changed.  OVERNIGHT.

That is the beauty and magic of children.  They make momentous changes in your life, and they don’t do it gradually (unless you count 9 months of pregnancy but that’s only a change for the woman, not necessarily the man), they do it with gusto!  They do it with complete and utter control of your life!  But alas….I digress.

For me, since becoming a mother, I no longer sleep late.  And it’s not because I have to wake up on the week-ends.  Trust me, my whole house, now old enough, sleeps peacefully enough Saturday and Sunday mornings.  But for me, that ended when I first had my son.  I think it’s because women just have too many things going on their minds and I swear sometimes it’s the stupidest thing that keeps you awake, Did I pay the utility bill?  Did I turn on the dishwasher last night? My husband clearly doesnt have a problem sleeping late but for me, it’s a chore.

However, with that said, yesterday….by some miracle, I slept until 8:30am!  It was utter and pure luxury.  Not just having the ability to sleep late….but actually having the capability to sleep late!

So, for all of you that toss and turn in the early hours of the morning, programmed by your jobs or your responsibilities, I wish you a morning where you can actually sleep and your mind allows you to rest, for that is the ultimate luxury!

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